Alex's Dog Blog
The week of March 21, 2011, our family will travel to CARES in Concordia, KS to get Alex a service dog. During this week, Alex and our family will receive training on working with his service dog. We are looking foward to meeting our newest member of the family which will allow Alex to have a little more freedom and responsibility along with us having more peace of mind.
Monday, April 11, 2011
This reunion is for the (therapy) dogs
Someone with the Bettendorf Schools made a video and posted it on their YouTube page:
BCSD Therapy dog training
Sunday, April 10, 2011
A fun and eventful weekend!
Alex did great in both events (softball throw and 50M walk) and got 1st place in both to earn a trip to the State Games in Ames next month!
Today we were able to see Sarah and Megan at a small CARES regional reunion. CARES is in the area to do some re-certification for the Bettendorf School District, so they decide to send out some 70 invitations to all the families with 3 hours of Bettendorf, IA. As a result there were 25 dogs at the gathering. It was a nice event and we were able to see many dogs from the area, including one that had been working for nearly 10 years!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
A GREAT Bonding day!
After supper, Alex went down to the basement (his mancave) and watched some TV. Kade layed down by him and they stayed together, hanging out, for about an hour and a half. We've used a leash to keep them together in days past, but tonight no leash was used. Kade knows Alex is "his boy" and has become very attentive to him. Alex is finally seeing Kade for the great buddy he is!
Now, both boys are in Alex's room for the night. Kade is still tethered to Alex's bed to keep him in one spot at night, but we don't think it will be for much longer since the time in the basement went so well today.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
First dinner out
We had our first dinner out with Kade. We traveled to Fulton to Manny's, our favorite pizza place. Kade traveled well and the boys did a great job. Jen commented that Kade is doing better now than when we went out for meals with class, and I would have to agree.
Friday, April 1, 2011
One week in the history books
Kade finally made it to the local vet for his first visit and as suspected during training, he has an ear infection....actually he has infection in both ears. We now have some ointment to try to cure the yeast infection, and some drops to use weekly as a preventative to keep them away.
Kade is doing much better at following Alex around the house and staying with him as long as I am not around. We hope to start working on getting him to sleep in Alex's room soon, but first we have to get Alex to agree.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Great start totheir first full day at school
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
They are starting to bond!
It is amazing how well Kade behaves when he has his vest on. He knows who his "boy" is and responds amazingly well to limited voice commands. Here are pictures Jen took today during Kade's first few hours at school with Alex today. The plan is to have Kade at school all day tomorrow!!!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Home at last!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Packing up and heading home
The blogging will reduce now that training is over, but I hope to keep up on this to allow our new friends from CARES to see how Alex and Kade are bonding and progressing. We are looking forward to the CARES reunion on April 10 in Bettendorf. Sarah and Megan said they sent out about 70 invitations to those who lived withing 250 miles of the QCA.
Training is offically over!
We then spent a lot of time talking about the laws associated with service dogs and therapy dogs. Kade is officially a service dog and has legal access to any public place. We have a lot of work to do to gather all the laws for Iowa and make sure we have the appropriate codes on hand to present if someone tries to deny us access.
After talking through this, Sarah and Megan spent some time going over all of our questions or concerns for taking our new pets home. Once all questions were answered, we made the trip to the Brown Grand Theatre to prepare for Graduation this evening.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Afternoon at the mall getting tested
Next the dogs and students were lined up and the dogs were again given a down and stay command. This time Megan walked over the dogs while bouncing a ball to ensure the dogs would stay despite distractions. When Meegan was done, the students released and called each of their dogs across an isle.
Everyone was amazed at how much control they had of their dogs after a few days!!

Exciting news about Graduation
Today we meet some of the trainers
After the prison, we will travel back towards Concordia and make a stop on Salina to eat lunch and visit a mall. I know it may sound like this is all fun and games, but every minute in and out of the classroom with the instructors is training and/or the owners of the dogs are getting graded.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Brotherhood!
Daycare visit after lunch
After a little more practice in the armory, the group will be heading to a daycare to practice handling our dogs in public.
Alex is having an off day after having a rough nights sleep.
More skills training
Much of today is to reinforce the basics of heal, sit, stay and come. Alex's soft voice is making it difficult for Kade, but they are bonding more and more.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Out on the town
This afternoon we took our first trip out on the town with Kade. We visited a nursing home and visited with the residents. Then we went to Walmart and bought Kade a new toy.
Alex did a great job and continues to get better at being the "Boss".
Alex and Kade are starting to bond
It is taking some effort to get Alex to talk with a stern voice, but we are seeing progress.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Resting after a long day
Name change to help Alex
Welcome from across our wonderful Nation!
A family member emailed me this morning and told me that something was said about CARES in Concordia, KS last night on the 10:00 PM news on KWQC. For those who may have seen this, we are at the same facility.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Training facility
We meet at the Kansas National Guard Armory at 10:00 AM on Monday. When we leave there on Monday, Alex's new dog will be part of our family.

Finally made it!
After 9 hours on the road, we made it to Concordia, KS. On our trip down while at a gas station in Nebraska, we met another group from Bettendorf on their way to get a dog also!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Counting the days until I get my dog.
Enjoying a sunny day on my spring break wishing my new dog was with me.